The Lucky Soul presents

Back in Black

Eliminating Debt for Good and Creating a Mindset for More-than-Enough

Master the art of rewiring your mind and body through practical mindset strategies and Tapping, breaking free from debt and stepping into a life of ever-increasing abundance.

She owned her value and paid off $11k in debt

I literally paid the final ($11k!!) payment to clear the last of the debt, yahooo!!! I'm so over the moon about this!!! It's been several years since I've had this hanging over me and I'm SO excited to literally BE "back in the black" now!!! woohooo!!!!), Within the last 2 weeks, the total inflow is almost $24,000.

Before this course, how I was coming into the money piece energetically was the hardest part of the conversation for me. And now the numbers are coming out more easily. I’m letting go of the “proving energy” and instead trusting my potential clients to make good decisions for themselves. I know it’s worth it. I know the work that I do is valuable.

The shifts I've been able to anchor in my body & my being (including my mind & emotions etc.) have definitely helped bolster and strengthen me as I continue to expand what's possible for me and who I get to BE moving forward on my path.

So excited to see where we go from here ~ onwards & upwards!!

~Meadow Dove Lang, Energy Alignment Coach,

I see you...

You want financial freedom, but you just keep accumulating more and living beyond your means

You want to travel with your friends, invest, create, but you keep overspending and sliding back into debt.

You want disposable income so you are free to choose what you want, but you wonder if you're just someone who's stuck with debt.

You want to live in a larger space and to move forward joyfully, easily and unencumbered, but you've been ignoring the consequences and continuing to spend.

You want an abundant, debt-free life -- a life where you can make your own choices and freely live your dreams...

But there's a catch...

You're trying to move forward trying all of these different strategies and pricey personal development programs -- but they're all missing a crucial piece of the money puzzle.

They aren't taking into account the hidden money programming you are up against.

Hidden money programming that tells you you shouldn't want more than you have. Rich people are greedy. Money is evil... and so much more.

The money programs you learned in your family-of-origin, from the religious upbringing of your youth, from society and from the patriarchy are dictating how you show up in relationship with your money.

These are the programs that are keeping you stuck.

You can't "Profit First" your way out of debt or know "It's not about the money," or simply "think and grow rich" if you don't identify the root cause of your money issues to begin with.

And no disrespect to any plan or methodology out there -- There are some solid teachers teaching strategy out there -- but if you don't know about the not-so-talked about "step before the strategy," you're just not going to get very far.

🌟 I'm going to teach you how to identify the hidden money programming that's keeping you stuck in cycles of fear and sabotage -- and release it on a cellular level.

🌟 I'm going to teach you how to harness a sense of joy, freedom, pleasure and fun as you pay down your debt.

🌟 I'm going to help you re-wire your money programming so you can move forward knowing in your bones that you got this and you can do this.

I'm going to help you have fun paying off your debt.

💫 Decreased anxiety and financial stress and increased freedom and money safety

💫 Having disposable income to travel with friends, buy a house, invest for retirement

💫 Showing up fully in your life and standing in your power at home and at work

💫 A life that's free of the fear and dread that comes with making a plan to pay off your debt

💫 Feeling like you can generate whatever is necessary for your dreams to manifest

💫 Releasing the shame and weight of debt so you can focus on your creativity

My name is Karen Berzanski and I've paid off nearly $13k in debt... without deprivation.

In 2017, I was faced with the daunting reality that I had close to $13,000 in debt. ($12,622.32 to be exact!)

After a life-altering car accident, a cross-country move and my dad nearly dying right after I moved... my bank account was in the saddest state it had ever been in.

I was tired of just scraping by and I knew that my mindset around money was far from abundant.

I was terrified. Down to almost my last $1,000 and I knew something had to change. I got a job and started reading, learning and implementing everything I could to change my relationship with money and start building wealth.

I had some deep work to do on my self worth, self value and changing my entire perception of money, wealth and my relationship to it. I started leaning into the energy of expansion (yikes) -- and the idea of adding more value into the world and pleasure into my life.

Over the course of the next 2.5 years, I started a business, took a trip to Costa Rica and bought a new-to-me car right off the lot for the first time in my life -- and paid off all the debt.

I learned how to create an abundant lifestyle rather than going on a "debt diet."

You can't approach debt like you approach dieting.

Most diets fail. We all know this.

But why do they fail?

Because they give you a short term surface-level solution that doesn't address the root causes of your food issues to begin with.

It's the same thing with debt. You can try to budget, use the latest app, implement this strategy or that one, etc... but if you're skipping over the root cause of why you're in debt to begin with, your efforts will be futile.

So, what's different about Back in Black?

Back in Black not only addresses the root-cause issues keeping you in debt, but inside, you'll also find laser-specific Pro EFT™ Tapping sessions to calm your central nervous system and re-program your subconscious mind for success.

Tapping is a gentle and easy-to-use tool that helps to clear hidden money programs, fears and subconscious beliefs on a cellular level.

(Don't worry if you're a newbie -- I'll teach you everything you need to know!)

This is the major (critical!) piece that's missing from most debt-repayment strategies. You can't create debt-freedom if you have ANY belief that goes against your desire for abundance.

🙌 Back in Black will help you identify these beliefs and clear them on a physiological level.

Here's what's inside...


Explore and identify your hidden money programming, family-of-origin money stories, your value and perception of debt, and "secondary benefits" to holding on to your debt.


Create a "Money Identity" that aligns with abundance. Learn "the language of a debt free person" and gain practical tools to get financially clear and systematize your payments.


Ease your way into clarity around your expenses and income with done-for-you templates and tapping sessions. Evaluate your spending in relation to your top values.


Learn the art of "Toss, Trim, Change" and put your creativity to work in your finances. How to create a debt-strategy that feels luxurious for the long-haul and is 100% burnout-proof.


How to spot how the "energy of debt" in all areas of your life and micro-upgrade to abundance right now. Identify and release outdated archetypal debt-energy and tap into your inner warrior.


💲Creating a Money Self-Care Date
💲Tapping on Overspending

💲CHEAT SHEET: 50+ fun & creative ways to make money
💲Abundance Activating Strategies
💲Money Mantras
💲All future updates to the course

🙌 Plus 15 laser-specific guided Pro EFT™ Tapping sessions 🙌

(no experience necessary)

Topics include:

💫 Releasing your old family money paradigm

💫 Releasing all the emotions around your debt

💫 Letting go of worry and panic around your money

💫 Releasing the fear your relationships might change

💫 Tapping on the fear of being financially clear

💫 Tapping on increasing your self worth and self value


🙌 AND... PDF "Lucky Sheets" for every module to help you take the work deeper.

🙌 You'll also have the ability to ask me questions if you can't find what you're looking for in the material.

Total Value = $2,000


10 new Tapping sessions!
(all about 11 minutes)

All of these tapping sessions are taken straight from the LIVE Back in Back cohort calls which makes them super relevant and specific.

1. Tapping on the "Big Bag of Money Madness"

2. Tapping on the "Big Bag of Money Madness" PART 2
3. Tapping on the Resistance to Looking at Your Numbers + the Fear of Not Being Able to Take Care of Yourself
4. Tapping on Resistance to Owning My Worthiness 100%
5. Tapping on Resistance to Owning My Worthiness 100% PART 2 + Fear of Unknown
6. Tapping on Pricing Resistance
7. Tapping on Resistance that's Keeping Me from the Success I Desire
8. Tapping on Resistance that's Keeping Me from the Success I Desire PART 2 + Feeling "Whooped"
9. Tapping on Internal Conflict Around Breaking Through My Abundance Ceiling
10. Tapping on Internal Conflict Around Breaking Through My Abundance Ceiling PART 2 + Fear of Unknown

Valued at $777, but included FREE as a BIB Upgrade

Total value for the course = $2,777

Join now for just $97


"I did one of Karen’s paid courses and bumped my income up $20k that year 🥳 this is a screaming deal. And maintained that gain btw."

~Back in Black Student, Berkeley, CA

I know I could sell this course for a lot more, but here's the deal...

I know what it's like to be in debt.

When I was in it, I was thirsty for any tools and resources I could find. I was ready, I was committed and I had like no money to spend on more courses and coaching.

So I invested in lower-ticket programs, read books, researched and did everything I could to help myself and change my financial picture.

The last thing I needed was another $500 or $1000+ program on how to get out of debt. Kind of defeats the purpose, don't you think?

I don't want to add to your financial load. So despite what some business coaches or money gurus might advise, I'm keeping the price-point for this course at under $100 -- because I genuinely care about you and I want you to f**king thrive.

What people are saying about working with Karen...

"I tapped into freedom because

now I know I am capable of creating wealth beyond what my parents did."



"My head has been completely turned around on how I relate to money and my self-worth, something no one has been able to do before now!"

"I've learned how to lovingly unravel the murky emotion of fear so I could grow AND feel safe! Now I feel less internal struggle and doubt, and when they do occur, I have tools to tackle them."

💖 FAQs

How long do I have access to the course?

You'll have immediate access to all of the material as soon as you enroll and you'll have lifetime access.

What if I am unhappy with the course? Do you offer refunds?

Since you have immediate access to the entire course upon signing up and can download the material, there are no refunds. This is done to protect my material and make sure my students are committed before purchasing. Please note, I do provide a feedback form inside the course and would welcome your thoughts and suggestions.

Is this course just for women+?

This course is gender-neutral. Anyone who wants to get out of debt and completely transform their relationship with money will benefit.

Who is this course NOT for?

If you are only looking for strategy and tactics to pay off your debt, this is not for you. While I do get into some strategy, if you're looking for advice on refinancing a home, taking out loans, declaring bankruptcy, etc, this is not the course for you. The main focus of this course is shifting your mindset around your money and identifying/ releasing your hidden money programs and beliefs.

If you don't have an open mind about changing your thinking around money and what you've been taught in the past, this course is not for you.

If you're not interested in learning/ using Tapping as a tool for change, this course is not for you.

If you're not interested in using money as a powerful, positive tool for change, this course is not for you.

"I have an Oura ring and I noticed when looking at my metrics at the end of each day that my stress level went into a relaxed state every day at 12:30 when I was tapping."

~Back in Black Student

© Copyright 2024 THE LUCKY SOUL