Have you ever thought... "I'm just not good with money"?
Or felt like you're "not enough"?
Or been taught, "I should just be grateful for what I have"?
Or felt like you could be spiritual OR rich, but not both??
Learn how to flip the script in your mind inside my FREE MONEY MINDSET TRAINING for creative and spiritual women+ entrepreneurs
I wound up landing my dream job that more than doubled my salary and included a benefits package I didn't even know was possible."
My name is Karen Berzanski and I'm a recovering Underearner and Lack-Mentality Expert turned Money Mindset Coach...
In 2017 I found myself in nearly $13K of debt and I was pretty scared. And when I dug into the work of healing my own relationship with money, I realized I had a TON of hidden money programming that was keeping me from making more money.
These programs stemmed from events in my life, from family and religious belief systems, from what I was taught about how to be a woman in the world, ..and more!
Hallelujah! There was a bonafide reason my deprivation-laced thinking and hyper-vigilant money actions were not moving the needle.
>>It wasn't about the money.<<
Once I learned how to heal the money programs, I cleared the debt (and took a trip to Costa Rica + bought a new-to-me-car during that time), added tens of thousands of dollars to my IRA and more-than-tripled my rates (and got paid).
Since then, I've been featured on the number one rated financial podcast, SO MONEY, with resident Today Show Money Expert, Farnoosh Torabi, shared virtual stages with Hello Seven founder, Rachel Rodgers and marketing expert and author of The Widest Net, Pamela Slim, and built a growing business.
My clients and students have more than doubled their rates and salaries, secured dream jobs, created multiple 5-figure months, been featured on Yahoo News, goop and more.
1. 3 Bite-Sized Money Mindset Training Videos
2. Guided Tapping Session on Releasing Financial Stress (no experience necessary)
🌟 21 Easy Abundance-Activating Strategies
(+ 12 things you need to STOP doing right now if you want more money)
🌟 26 Powerful Money Mantras
... and it's all FREE
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