Grab a toasty beverage and get ready to reclaim your financial life.

How I got on a podcast with 30m downloads

How I got on a podcast with 30m downloads

It was an honor to be interviewed by Today Show money expert, Farnoosh Torabi. And today, I want to give you the play-by-play on EXACTLY how I "manifested" this. ...more

upleveling ,visibility limiting beliefs self love &money shadow

November 02, 20238 min read

Where are you falling short? (+ resource)

Where are you falling short? (+ resource)

The energy of debt can permeate every are of our lives. Debt is a sign that we’re falling short in some area. That there’s not enough and that we aren’t enough. It can be a reflection of your lack o... ...more

abundance mindset ,money energetics &self love

October 16, 20232 min read

Letter from your future financial self

Letter from your future financial self

Letter from Your Future Financial Self (12 months from now) Version #1: Dear Self, I am exactly where you were this time last year financially-speaking. You chose not to stay in the same old famil... ...more

money goals ,self sabotage limiting beliefs &self love

September 12, 20233 min read

What sit ups have to do with money

What sit ups have to do with money

I never forgot what I heard author Michael Neill, say about sit ups. He said, “Imagine you are on the floor getting ready to do 100 situps because you’re beating yourself up for eating a Big Mac and... ...more

self sabotage ,limiting beliefs &self love

September 08, 20232 min read

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