Helping female entrepreneurs and creative artists uncover their
unconscious blocks to wealth so they can create the financial life of their dreams

Your money stuff is NOT about money.

Making more money isn't just about budgeting the right way or learning the next investing strategy. It's about uncovering the inner blocks to wealth that are RUNNING your money show and keeping you from making MORE.

Money itself isn’t the problem. Money itself isn’t bad or good. Money itself doesn’t have power or not have power. It is our interpretation of money, our interaction with it, where the real mischief is and where we find the real opportunity for self-discovery and personal transformation.

~Lynne Twist


It all starts by “unlearning” the generational, societal and patriarchal money stories & belief systems you grew up with.

Next, you’ll learn to how to transcend the programmed money beliefs keeping you from making more with the mind-body tool Pro EFT™ Tapping for calming your central nervous system.

The last step? We learn to lean into the energy of expansion, abundance & visibility. Own your value and shine unapologetically in the world so you can expect, earn and enjoy MORE.


The Money Membership Experience

Release your inner blocks to outer wealth and tap into your unlimited abundance.

"Thanks to Karen, something in me was ignited. I ended up deciding I want to be a millionaire and am now taking steps to get there. I was also invited to do a talk with a big person in my field and I just said yes. I still can’t believe I’m doing this! This has been so nurturing in both my spirit as well as business. I can clearly see a much higher level now."

~Kayla, Patient Advocate, MD


I believe every woman has the right to be rich.

And "rich" is defined by each individual person. Not societal standards.

There are barriers to wealth that women face that no one is talking about. From patriarchal ideals to familial expectations to gender-defined standards -- the structures of wealth are not set up to include women or those who identify as such. I believe every woman deserves to be wealthy.

If you're ready to uncover the hidden money programming that is running your financial life so you can make more money and have more fun... you're in the right place.

Client Love

Working with Karen opened up my aperture for what I thought was possible. My income really went up a lot -- a nice bump, about $20k more. My behavior is reflecting more openness to money.

~D.F. Berkeley, CA

Karen taught me how to align my inner and outer worth and ask for more without feeling guilty. I wound up landing my dream job that more than doubled my salary and included a benefits package I didn’t even know was possible. I’m now saving for a down payment on a home!

S.A, Los Angeles, CA



Money is an inside job.

Learn how to RE-WIRE your hidden money programs and beliefs so you can make more money. (Your money blocks are NOT about money!)

Your new Money Future starts right now.


Headline that hooks people in, gets them excited and makes them want to sign up.

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